Premium Topsoil - Gettysburg & Surrounding Area

Nolt’s Mulch Products Offers Unscreened & Screened Topsoil
Topsoil is typically found on the top two to eight inches of undisturbed virgin ground, but it can be up to three feet in some places. This layer is vital for grass seed and plants as it is the home to most of the nutrients, microorganisms, and organic matter. Unscreened topsoil contains rocks, roots, stones and sticks within the soil.
Nolt’s Mulch Products Inc. can deliver premium topsoil to you, or you can pick it up at our location. Give us a call at (717) 334-0849 today for pricing or if you have any questions.
Screened Topsoil Available at an Affordable Price
Screened topsoil has undergone a screening process to remove debris such as twigs, stones and large plant roots. You can process your own topsoil using a mesh screener, or you can purchase screened topsoil at Nolt’s Mulch Products for an affordable price. Nolt’s screened topsoil is finely screened and kept dry. Very little, if any, topsoil is wasted, so the ease of installation and value will be obvious.
Starting a New Lawn or Garden? Use Screened Topsoil
Screened topsoil is ideal for starting a new lawn or garden or improving the soil in any give area. Adding compost, which is a blend of decomposed vegetation, to the screened topsoil adds valuable nutrients to the soil. The nutrients, minerals and organic matter found in premium screened topsoil that Nolt’s Mulch Products offers helps plants thrive. You can rent an Ecolawn Applicator self-propelled compost spreader from Nolt’s.

We Have Fill Dirt for Your Landscaping Needs
Fill dirt typically contains topsoil, but it also contains rocky subsoil and many other materials in a mixture without a standard composition. The main reason for fill dirt is its stability. Fill dirt is without void spaces, and it will not shift or move. Some of the uses for fill dirt include:
FILLING IN DIPS: If your property has low points, flooding and mowing issues could be giving you landscaping headaches. One of the best solutions is to fill in those dips with fill dirt. The dirt can be packed into the dips and the new grass can be planted, or sod can be laid, so that the area blends in with the landscape.
BUILDING UP LANDSCAPES: Some property owners prefer the look of landscapes with multiple levels of ground or with hilly patches. The only way to add that type of dimension to a flat landscape is to use fill dirt to build up the areas.